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  • Amy Williams' Visit

    Thu 17 Jan 2019

    The visit of Amy Williams (Olympic Gold Medallist in the Skeleton Bob at the Vancouver Winter Olympics in 2010) was simply inspirational. The children were really excited to have the opportunity to meet Amy individually and to have the opportunity to have seen a real Olympic Gold medal up close.  The children were then taken through a series of exercises which they did with huge smiles on their faces. It was lovely to see the children encouraging each other to do their best.

    After the workout Amy led an assembly where she shared some secrets of her success and that if you try your best and never give up you can achieve anything. She also explained to the children all about the Skeleton event. The children were amazed that on her winning slide Amy was travelling faster than cars are allowed to drive on the motorway!

    Amy answered questions from the children and also explained that the design on her medal was taken from an American Indian picture and contains the image of a whale’s eye. If you look closely at the picture of the medal you can see it. To cap off the visit Anastasia from Turquoise Class presented to Amy her drawing of Amy receiving her medal and standing on the podium. Amy was so pleased that she has shared a photo of the drawing on her Instagram account!

    We have been amazed by the response to the sponsored event and would like to thank all those who have been able to donate. As soon as we have a final figure we will share that with you.
