Zip it, Block it, Flag it
We take children's E-Safety very seriously at Boughton Leigh Infant School and ensure that all children are aware of the ways to stay safe while using the internet. As a team we teach children the importance of responsible use when online and also ensure children are fully prepared when surfing the net.
Alongside our Computing curriculum, each key stage delivers an appropriate E-Safety curriculum which extends the childrens current knowledge in the form of;
- 14 rules of responsible use assembilies throughout the year
- E-Safety committee with one member from each class
- Zip it, Block it, Flag it message reinforced throughtout lessons and when using technologies within the school
- Hector website
- Digi Duck Big Decision story
- Importance of following instructions to stay on certain programs during certain lessons
- Importance of sharing and supporting each other when using ICT
- How to deal with pop ups
- How to voice worries and concerns.
We have a successful E-Safety Committee made up of Parents, Staff, Governers and Pupils. Committee members meet every half term to share ideas and discuss ways to premote E-safety.