Reading for Pleasure
Our Library Bus!
We are lucky to have our fantastic Library Bus which is well-stocked with high quality books. Each class is given the opportunity to visit each week to explore and read a wide range of books. Children can choose a book of their choice to take home to share with an adult or their siblings.
As a school, we continuously promote 'Reading for Pleasure'! Each month we promote an ‘Author of the Month’ on our Library Bus so that we can introduce children to as many new authors as possible. Whilst on the bus the children can choose from a variety of books written by the author and vote for which story they would like their teacher to read to them. Information about the author is also shared with the children so they learn about their life and what inspired them to write stories.

Dedicated Storytime
At Boughton Leigh Infant School our children have story time every single day at the end of the afternoon. As a school we have carefully selected quality and engaging stories, poems and non-fiction texts to provide our children with a wide range of texts. As RWI trained teachers we adopt our taught strategies to deliver our reading with enjoyment and enthusiasm to draw children into the text and vocabulary.
Our story time books have been chosen to ensure they meet at least one of the following objectives:
a. Elicit a response: curiosity, anger, excitement, enjoyment, amusement, interest,
b. Have a strong narrative
c. Extend vocabulary (not too many new words at once)
d. Connect with something they know/ we’re teaching
e. Use illustrations to support the narrative
f. Reflect children from a minority ethnic background
We have created a storytime map for each year group to ensure full coverage of a range of exciting and engaging texts.
Book Corners
Our book corners have carefully been designed by our imaginative staff to help promote a love of reading, with each year group having their own theme. The books that we have shared and explored together during ‘story time’ are then displayed on our front facing shelves for the children to read and enjoy again. Books our chosen for all children: those who are still learning to read will retell the story; those who are able to read, will re-read the story. We have a working wall where we can add out thoughts about a book we have all read. We limit the number of books on display and in our book boxes at a time so that we ensure children can easily access the books and are not overwhelmed. More books are introduced over the half term and others taken out at the term progresses.
Buddy the Dog!
At Bougton Leigh we are so lucky to have our very own school dog! We love to read and share our stories with Buddy!

We are Illustrators!
Serena Guy came to our School on World Book Day to read us a book that she has illustrated called 'Pinecones In My Pocket'. She spoke to us all in assembly and explained to us how she created her illustrations. She set us all a competition for us to draw our own pictures from our favourite story.
Serena came back to school on Tuesday 5th April to judge the competition and announce the winners from each year group!