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    Tue 26 Sep 2017

    Members of the Gardening Club have been presented with a prestigious prize at the Rugby in Bloom School Gardening Awards.


    They went to The Benn Hall to receive a Platinum Award for the school's entry in the 2017 competition, which had the 80th anniversary of the first testing of Sir Frank Whittle's jet engine as its theme.


    The centre piece of the display created by the children was a large planter in the shape of an aeroplane. It was filled with plants they grew from seed.


    Thu 14 Sep 2017

    The children have started their daily reading and writing sessions which follow the Read Write Inc. Phonics literacy programme developed by Ruth Miskin OBE.


    As one of the UK’s leading authorities on teaching reading, Ruth has many years’ experience as a Head teacher, teacher trainer and consultant in phonics and literacy.


    She believes that the more quickly children learn to read, the more they want to read and the more they understand and the less they struggle with spelling.


    We are very proud to have been chosen as one of the schools she will visit this academic year and we look forward to welcoming her to BLIS on 28th September.


    The more help and encouragement the children get at home the more they will achieve, so please do all you can to work with us and support your child’s reading.


    To find out more about Read Write Inc. Phonics log on to: You can also follow her on Facebook for regular updates and tutorials.


    Wed 06 Sep 2017

    Members of the school’s Gardening Club are looking forward to being presented with a prestigious Platinum Award for their entry in this year’s Rugby in Bloom competition at a special event on September 20th.


    The theme of the competition was the 80th anniversary of the first successful test of Sir Frank Whittle’s jet engine in Rugby in 1937.


    In recognition of this historic event, the Gardening Club used an old canoe as the basis of a planter in the shape of a jet engine. They also recycled a broken suitcase to grow strawberries and sweet peas.


    The display was judged by Rugby Borough Council’s Parks & Grounds Manager, Chris Worman MBE who was very impressed with what he saw. He says:


    " I always look forward to Visiting Boughton Leigh Infant School to see what gardening projects the children have been working on. This year was no exception and I was blown away with the re-creation of a meteor jet engine to link into this year's theme."


    "The children were keen to show me all the things that they were growing and we were even treated to a large dragon fly hovering around the pond whilst judging. It is a privilege to visit as they clearly love being outside and it is a great space for them to learn." 
