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Boughton Leigh Infant School

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    Thu 22 Sep 2016

    Data from Boughton Leigh Infant School is being used by academics at the University of Belfast as part of their research into how children learn to read and write.


    Our pupils follow the Read Write Inc. Phonics literacy programme developed by Ruth Miskin,  which provides a structured and systematic approach to teaching literacy. It is used by more than a quarter of the UK's primary schools and is designed to create fluent readers, confident speakers and willing writers.


    A cross section of schools using the programme has been selected for the University of Belfast research. Details of pupils’ progress will be provided at the end of each term for the next two years.


    Boughton Leigh Infant School has many strategies in place to support and encourage pupils’ reading. A converted London double decker bus is used as a school library and educationalists come from all over the UK and abroad to see it in action.


    Head teacher Andrew Moorcroft says: “Our pupils are certainly benefitting from the Read Write Inc. Phonics programme and I am delighted the school is able to help future generations learn to read and write by taking part in the University of Belfast research.”


    Fri 16 Sep 2016

    We welcomed Peter Everett from Rugby Evangelical Free Church to school on September 15th when he told the children the story of David and Goliath during a special assembly.

    Peter is touring 16 schools in the area in his role as one of the church’s youth workers.

    The whole school watched a colourful presentation of pictures which brought the story to life for pupils.


    Thu 08 Sep 2016

    The new school year has started with Head teacher Mr Moorcroft telling pupils that they are “all stars”.

    He used the first assembly to introduce the children to the school’s new Starfish Values – a set of guidelines to underpin how everyone behaves at Boughton Leigh Infant School.

    They are:

    Sportsmanship           Friendship

    Tolerance                   Integrity

    Appreciation              Sensitivity

    Respect                     Helpfulness


    Pupils were told the story of the little boy who threw a starfish, which had been stranded on the beach, back into the sea. A passing man questioned the point of doing it when there were hundreds of other starfish which would be left the beach to die. “What difference will it make? he asked. The boy smiled and said: “It will make a difference to that one.”

    Mr Moorcroft explained that if everyone in the school works together and follows the Starfish Values then “we can all make a massive difference”.

    Saying “please” and “thank you”, being kind, not upsetting anyone, accepting we are all different and congratulating others for doing well are examples of little things that make a big difference, he told the children.
