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    Fri 14 Oct 2016

    Our green-fingered pupils have proved they really have “flower power” when it comes to gardening.

    For not only have they been presented with the top Platinum Award in the schools’ category of the Rugby in Bloom competition, they have also been honoured with a one-off Queen’s 90 th Birthday Schools’ Award for their royal-themed garden.

    The judges were very impressed with the work done by members of the school’s gardening club and particularly liked the planted Queen’s handbag and Bugingham Palace bug hotel they created.

    “Outdoor learning is increasingly recognised to have major educational benefits to students and it’s great to see Boughton Leigh Infant School embrace this with such enthusiasm,” says judge Chris Worman MBE.

    The Mayor of Rugby, Coun Sally Bragg presented trophies and certificates to pupils and staff at celebratory events organised by Rugby Borough Council.

    Boughton Leigh Head teacher Andrew Moorcroft says: “Outdoor learning is a crucial part of the curriculum at our school and all children have the opportunity to enjoy the garden and woodland area we have.”

    “It is very pleasing that the hard work and enthusiasm shown by the children and staff in creating a garden to mark the Queen’s 90th birthday has been rewarded with a special prize.”


    Fri 07 Oct 2016

    We are very excited to have received a very special letter from Her Majesty The Queen thanking us for the card pupils made for her 90th birthday.


    It was sent from Balmoral Castle by one of the Queen's Ladies in Waiting and included a card with a photo of Her Majesty.


    The letter said how delighted The Queen was with the card and apologised for not being in touch sooner due to the huge number of thank you letters that had to be written after the 90th birthday celebrations.


    News of our "Royal Mail" was given to pupils in today's assembly.


    Tue 04 Oct 2016

    After 20 years as a midday supervisor - helping children at our school - Mrs Law finally got to sit down and eat with the pupils rather than stand and watch over them.

    To mark her last day with us, she joined reception class children to tuck into a school lunch.

    Mrs Law says she is sad to leave the school and will miss the children.

    As well as having her special meal, she was presented with flowers and a gift by Head teacher Mr Moorcroft. He thanked her for her hard work over the years and wished her well for the future.


    Mon 03 Oct 2016

    We are very proud to have been presented with a national award which recognises schools where children of all abilities achieve their potential to “be the best they can be”.

    Developed by leading educational charity Achievement for All (AfA), the Quality Mark Award recognises the work being done at Boughton Leigh Infant School to improve progress in reading, writing and maths for all pupils, particularly those with Special Educational Needs and/or disabilities.

    The school has been working in partnership with AfA since 2014, following a programme to help improve educational outcomes for the lowest achieving 20 per cent of pupils.

    This includes working with parents and carers to support their children’s learning, arranging after school homework clubs for pupils and parents to attend together and holding special parent workshops.

    Head teacher Andrew Moorcroft says:

    “Every child at Boughton Leigh Infant School deserves the best education and it is our mission to make sure each individual pupil fulfils their potential, whatever that may be. By working with AfA we are improving the learning outcomes for all our pupils. We are delighted the hard work and commitment of parents, carers and teachers has been recognised by the Quality Mark Award.”

    Schools are assessed for the Quality Mark Award during the second year of the AfA programme. The award focuses on a variety of categories including strategic planning, quality of teaching and learning, effective uses of interventions, pupil progress and community relationships.

    Regional Lead of AfA,  Laura Bromberg says:

    We are thrilled to present Boughton Leigh Infant School with this much deserved award. They have shown a high quality of leadership and teamwork, and most importantly, the target groups have made more than expected progress and are closing the gap with their peers. Our programmes are designed to be a whole school improvement tool and Boughton Leigh Infant School has shown a continued commitment and success in improving outcomes for their children."

