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    Mon 30 Jan 2017


    Pupils at Boughton Leigh Infant School think members of the town’s Astronomical Society are “superstars” for giving up their free time to help them understand the wonders of the solar system.


    The school was packed for the first-ever Astronomy Evening organised by Assistant Head teacher and Head of Science Mrs Suzanne Swan.


    “Our school believes in instilling a life-long love of learning in pupils and igniting their interest in all subjects. This event is an example of how we do this –literally – with the launch of a rocket in the playground one of the highlights of the evening!” she says.


    Activities enjoyed by pupils, parents and carers included naming the phases of the moon using biscuits, making an astronaut’s breakfast and using an I pad app to explore the sky at night.


    Rugby Astronomical Society members were on hand to explain the wonders of the universe and demonstrate how to use telescopes to view the stars.



    Fri 20 Jan 2017

    On Tuesday 7thtFebruary we are taking part in a global campaign to promote the safe and responsible use of the internet.


    Children love using technology and are learning to navigate websites, online games and consoles and touchscreen technology like tablets and smartphones from a younger and younger age.


    Latest Ofcom research has shown that 81% of 5 to 15 year olds have access to a tablet at home and almost 40% of 3 to 4 year olds and two thirds of 5-7 year olds go online.


    There are real advantages in making sure that children are supported in their internet use right from the start.


    To mark Safer Internet Day we are hosting an online safety information session which will provide lots of valuable information about how to keep children safe online.


    The UK Safer Internet Centre who developed this presentation are experts in the field of online safety education and it is highly recommend that parents and carers attend this event. The session will provide practical advice and safety tips to help manage online safety issues, and discussions surrounding suitable behaviour online.


    We believe that internet safety education is a crucial element of the curriculum and an essential part of young people’s development. This session is designed to help parents and carers become more aware of the safety messages that their children receive in school in order to reinforce them in the home environment.


    The event will run from 9.15 to 9.45am and free refreshments will be served.


    Mon 16 Jan 2017

    We are organising our first ever Astronomy Live event in conjunction with Rugby Astronomical Society on Thursday 26thJanuary from 5 to 6pm.


    It is the perfect introduction to using telescopes and binoculars to look at the night sky and finding out more about planets and star constellations.


    Some of the exciting activities being planned include using an Ipad app to explore the night sky, naming phases of the moon using food and - if we are lucky - there may even be a rocket launch!


    Parents/carers are required to stay with children for the duration of the event. Places can be reserved by contacting the School Office.


    Thu 12 Jan 2017

    Plans to install an eco-building on the site of a former mobile classroom have been announced by our Head teacher Andrew Moorcroft in the first parent newsletter of 2017.


    “There is no better time than the start of a new year to set targets, to make changes or achieve new things. With this in mind, I am hoping you will all support what is more of a New Year’s Raise-olution than Resolution!”


    “There are no funds available from Warwickshire County Council to pay for new buildings so if we want to achieve this dream, we need to raise the money ourselves.”


    “We are hoping to secure funding for the project, but to fulfil the criteria of many charitable trusts there will have to be an element of involvement by the school community,” he says.


    The plan is to use the empty space alongside the playground, where a mobile classroom once stood, for an inspirational eco building to house a learning environment which will provide a contrast to the open plan layout of the main school building.


    The space will be available for all pupils to use and will give direct access to Gruffalo Woods, providing a new dimension to our outdoor learning programme.


    The school has launched two fundraising initiatives to kick start the project and are keen to hear from any members of the school community who have skills or contacts that might be of use in achieving the ambition of improving the school’s facilities for the benefit of all pupils.

