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Boughton Leigh Infant School

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    Thu 16 Feb 2017


    We are organising a Bag2School collection of good quality unwanted clothes, shoes and textiles to raise funds for the school.


    Getting involved gives people an opportunity to sort through their cupboards and wardrobes and donate unwanted textiles in the bag provided. Please see the list below of items to include.


    If you fill the donation bag and still have more, you can use any other bag to donate your items. Bags will be accepted from family, friends and neighbours as well.


    The amount we raise depends on the weight of the bags so heavy items like curtains, towels and shoes will be especially appreciated!


    Bags must be returned to school on THURSDAY MARCH 2ND (no earlier please as storage space is limited) for collection by the recycling company.


    Thank you to everyone who is able to get involved in this new fundraising initiative for our school.




    Good quality & clean items accepted:

    Items not accepted:

    Men’s, ladies’ and children’s clothes

    Duvets and blankets

    Paired shoes (tied or elastic band around)

    Pillows and cushions

    Handbags, bags, hats, scarves and ties

    Carpets, rugs, mats


    School uniform (with or without logo)

    Socks and belts

    Corporate clothing or work wear

    Soft toys

    Soiled, ripped or wet clothing

    Curtains, towels, bedding, household linen



    Thu 09 Feb 2017

    To mark Safer Internet Day 2017  we held an online safety information session for parents.


    Sarah Fitzgerald from Warwickshire County Council’s ICT Development Service emphasised that it is the responsibility of all parents and carers to monitor what children are doing online.


    She said talking to children about their internet activity and setting permissions on devices and apps used by children are vital to ensure their safety.


    The following websites contain useful information for parents/carers and have been recommended by Mrs Fitzgerald:



    On Safer Internet Day pupils across the whole school took part in activities teaching them about what information should and shouldn’t be shared online.





    Thu 09 Feb 2017

    A paramedic from West Midlands Ambulance Service came to school this week to demonstrate how to use a vital piece of medical equipment which has been donated to us as part of the “Big Shock Campaign” organised by the national cardiac charity, SADS UK.


    The Automated External Defibrillator has been given to the school by Mr and Mrs Spooner in memory of their son Joe who died from a heart condition aged just 15.


    The couple have worked tirelessly to raise the funds to put lifesaving defibrillators into the local community and we are very grateful to them for providing us with one.


    Ten members of staff have been trained how to use the lifesaving machine and posters outlining the warning signs of cardiac arrest are being displayed around school.
