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    Thu 09 Nov 2017

    The work we are doing in school to enable all pupils to be the best they can be and achieve their full potential has been recognised with a prestigious national award.


    Developed by leading educational charity Achievement for All (AfA), the Quality Lead Award is for ongoing initiatives to improve progress in reading, writing and maths for all pupils, particularly those with Special Educational Needs and/or disabilities.


    We have been working in partnership with AfA since 2014, following a programme which provides better educational outcomes for the lowest achieving 20 per cent of pupils. Last year we were presented with their Quality Mark.


    To achieve Quality Lead status, we were assessed in various categories including strategic planning, quality of teaching and learning, effective use of interventions, pupil progress and community relationships. We were thrilled to receive a glowing report from Achievement for All’s Sue Burrows who reviewed the work going on at BLIS. She says:


    “We are delighted to present Boughton Leigh Infant School with this prestigious award – a real stamp of quality for their high standards in leadership, teamwork, quality of teaching and pupil progress. The target groups we have been working with have made more than expected progress and are closing the gap with their peers.


    “However, it’s not just the target groups who have made significant progress. Our programmes are designed to be a whole school improvement tool and Boughton Leigh Infant School has shown a continued commitment and success in improving outcomes for all children across the whole school…”


    “AfA believes that every child can progress, and through our programmes we hope to enable every child to be the best that they can be regardless of background, challenge, or need. Huge congratulations to teachers, parents and children at Boughton Leigh Infant School for all their hard work. A truly deserved award.”
