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Boughton Leigh Infant School

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Pupils at Boughton Leigh Infant School think members of the town’s Astronomical Society are “superstars” for giving up their free time to help them understand the wonders of the solar system.


The school was packed for the first-ever Astronomy Evening organised by Assistant Head teacher and Head of Science Mrs Suzanne Swan.


“Our school believes in instilling a life-long love of learning in pupils and igniting their interest in all subjects. This event is an example of how we do this –literally – with the launch of a rocket in the playground one of the highlights of the evening!” she says.


Activities enjoyed by pupils, parents and carers included naming the phases of the moon using biscuits, making an astronaut’s breakfast and using an I pad app to explore the sky at night.


Rugby Astronomical Society members were on hand to explain the wonders of the universe and demonstrate how to use telescopes to view the stars.

