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Boughton Leigh Infant School

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Keep up to date with all the news happening in school at the moment.

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    Fri 28 Apr 2017

    A fun course for BLIS parents, carers and pupils will show families how small changes can make a big difference to their health.


    The Change Makers Family Lifestyle Programme is being held at school from 3.30pm to 5pm every Thursday from May 18th to July 20th.


    Each week the course will focus on different ways to lead a healthy and active lifestyle.


    There will be lots of tips and tricks about healthy eating and fun physical activities like hula hoop games and dodgeball.


    All adults and children taking part will receive free healthy snacks and other incentives to keep them motivated during the programme and there will be a celebration at the end of the course.


    More information and details about how to register are available from our

    Learning Mentor, Miss Smelt.


    Fri 28 Apr 2017

    Two Year 2 pupils  have impressed teachers so much with their progress whilst learning to read they have been entered for a national award.


    Taya and Summer have improved so quickly since they started a reading recovery programme they are now enjoying reading in lessons and for pleasure.


    The national Reading Recovery Awards - organised by the International Literacy Centre at University College, London - have two categories for children.


    Taya (6) has entered the reading competition for which she was recorded reading a story specially written by author Pie Corbett and Summer (7) has drawn a picture and written about how being able to read has changed her life.


    Now both girls are regular readers and enjoying books, they are hoping the story of their amazing progress will have a happy ending when the winners are announced on 16th May!


    Fri 28 Apr 2017

    Members of the school’s Gardening Club are hoping their design for a bug hotel will cement their success in a national gardening competition.


    They are busy making a shelter for insects in the shape of the tower at the Rugby Cement plant after their prototype plan won a place to be exhibited at the prestigious RHS Chatsworth Flower Show in June.


    Schools in Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire, Staffordshire, Warwickshire, Yorkshire and West Midlands were invited to take part in the competition to design a bug hotel to fit the theme of “Inspiring Architecture: Past, Present and Future.”


    The Boughton Leigh entry is one of 15 chosen to be displayed at the five day show - during which members of the public will select a winner.


    Gardening Club organiser Mrs Hopkin says:


    “We can see the cement works tower from the school allotment. It is a very futuristic structure with lots of interesting shapes which are perfect for creating areas to provide shelter for different types of insects.”


    “The children enjoyed planning the design and they are now very excited to have the opportunity to make the structure and take it to the Chatsworth Flower Show.”


    Our school has a long tradition of offering gardening as an extracurricular activity for pupils and last year they won the prestigious Queen’s 90th Birthday and Platinum Prize in the Primary School Category of the Rugby in Bloom Awards.


    Fri 07 Apr 2017


    Spring term ended with Easter celebrations which included a seasonal assembly led by local vicar Rev Tim Davis from Christ Church and decorated hat and egg competitions.


    Pupils have been learning about the Easter story in lessons this week and this theme was continued during the special assembly – which had to be held in school rather than church due to the traffic chaos around Rugby on Friday morning.


    Pupils from all year groups sang a selection of Easter and springtime songs which they have been learning in recent weeks. There were also presentations and prayers written by the children.


    Later we held our first-ever Easter craft competition. The standard of entries was very high and it was very difficult for Rev Davis to select winners in the decorated hat and decorated egg categories.


    There were prizes for all pupils who took part. The winners were presented with a chocolate egg. They are:

    Nursery (am): Annabelle and Darcie

    Nursery (pm): Alfie

    Red: Hayden and Emma

    Yellow: Maddy and Millie

    Green: Bailey and Max

    Silver: Panna and Arthur

    Gold: Coby and Noah

    Purple: Jude and Jamie

    Orange: Dulcie and Lexi

    Bronze: Emma

    Turquoise: no entries


    Head teacher Mr Moorcroft wished all children a happy and safe Easter holiday. He reminded them to be safe when they are out and about and not to make themselves ill by eating too much chocolate!
